The Ultimate Workout for an Hourglass Figure
Dec 13, 2023
Some people just naturally have an hourglass figure.
Me? No.
Growing up, I was a literal string bean. No curves whatsoever.
When I hit 20 years old, my hips did get a little wider but I still didn’t have those sexy curves that seemed to be the latest thing to have.
I did learn, though, that anyone CAN have an hourglass figure… if you put in the work!
What is an hourglass figure?
Usually they act as a timer and when the sand reaches the bottom, time is up.
However, in the fashion industry, an hourglass figure is considered one of the four main body types.
This body shape takes into consideration the measurements of the bust, waist, and hips. Typically the bust and the hips are wider in size and similar in measurements, while the waist is “snatched” (or more narrow).
So, in conclusion to that, the trend is to have a wider back/chest area, a small little waist, and a big booty.
Can you workout for an hourglass figure?
It is POSSIBLE for everyone to get the hourglass figure even when all of our bodies are different.
& I’m going to show you how.
What exercises can I do to get an hourglass figure?
The big secret is to train your back. Training the back widens it, giving the illusion that the waist is smaller
You also want to train the booty because it will help it grow bigger, giving the illusion of wider hips.
Training both the back and the booty (“widening them”) will give the illusion of having a smaller waist.
Of course, you want to train your abs too.
Training your abs will help tighten the muscles and shrink the waist.
What is the best workout for an hourglass figure?
The moment you’ve been waiting for: the best/ultimate workout for an hourglass figure!
A great workout has 3-5 exercises for each body part.
This workout uses three body parts:
→ Back
→ Abs
→ Legs/Booty
The workout:
→ Lat pulldowns: 2 sets of 12 reps
→ Bent-over dumbbell rows: 2 sets of 12 reps
→ Pushups: 2 sets of 12 reps
→ Crunches: 2 sets of 30 reps
→ Bicycle crunch: 2 sets of 20 reps
→ Plank: 1 set of 1 minute
→ Sumo squats: 2 sets of 12 reps
→ Reverse lunges: 2 sets of 12 reps
→ Hip thrusts: 2 sets of 15 reps
Your workout does NOT need to be hours long to get results.
3-5 exercises for each body part you are training while using good form and adding & progressing your weight is PLENTY for gains to show and for you to get that hourglass figure.
Feel free to use variations of the exercises in the workout above if you don’t like any.
These are my core movements for when I work out my back, abs, and legs/booty and I always do variations of these exercises while progressing weight.
The exercises above are mainly compound movements, which use more than one muscle group at a time.
These are great for gaining more muscle mass.
I am big on only doing 2 sets of each exercise.
First, because who has time to do 4 sets of everything? I’m all about that efficiency and making the most of my time.
Second, because when you are performing the exercises correctly and using enough weight each time, 2 sets is PLENTY to increase muscle mass.
Feel free to add sets if you feel the need to,but take notice of the lovely soreness you will feel the next day after only doing 2 sets.
How can I get an hourglass figure fast?
You can’t rush changing your body’s figure. When you rush it, you’re more likely to give up.
Give yourself time to grow your muscles.
Deadlines are overrated.
Working out is a lifestyle, not just to get quick results.
How long does it take to get an hourglass figure?
It really depends on the frequency you workout, the progression of your workouts, the consistency of your workouts, and how well you are taking care of yourself.
I would definitely give it at least 6 months.
It takes time and consistency to build muscle.
Hourglass figures aren’t built overnight.
Train your back 1-2 times per week.
Train your legs and booty 2-3 times per week.
Abs are the only muscle group that can be trained daily (because we use them so much!), so train your abs 3-4+ times per week.
Also, EAT!!!
I can’t stress this enough.
Not eating enough = no muscle gain.
Muscle is needed to build that hourglass figure.
Protein, carbs, and healthy fats:
They all have a place in your diet that is beneficial to building muscle and staying healthy.
Eat mostly carbs and healthy fats before you train and eat protein AFTER you train for muscle recovery and growth.
Throughout the day, it is good to eat protein, carbs, and healthy fats consistently.
& don’t forget to rest!
Rest is crucial for muscle recovery and growth. Don’t feel the need to workout 24/7.
Your body needs a break to rest and grow.
Remember, you have to be in it for the long haul when building muscle and your overall body shape.
Be patient with yourself & don’t give up!
Email us at [email protected] and let us know how your workouts are going or if you have any questions.
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