Why I Started My Health & Wellness Blog
Dec 13, 2023
Why I started my health and wellness blog.
To share my story and my experience with fitness
Everyone’s journey with fitness is different. I want to be able to share my experience in a healthy way by sharing it on a platform that is all mine. I want you all to realize that you are not alone in any of your fitness struggles. Sometimes you just have to realize that others are going through the same thing.
I don’t have the smallest waist. I don’t have the biggest booty. I don’t have a perfect body by any means. But I am exercising and fueling my body to the best of my ability and I am focusing on improving my mental health along the way too.
To help more people!!
As a personal trainer, I have come to realize how much I love getting to know people and helping them reach their goals. I am a people person and I love listening when people need someone to talk to.
I started this blog to reach and help an unlimited amount of people instead of being limited to people who live around me. I am all about creating authentic friendships where we lift each other up. With this blog, I hope to connect with more people and guide them through their wellness journey.
To explain exercise in a simple and understandable way
After my 4 years at college studying exercise science, I have learned that the body is not simple, but in fact, very complex. Exercise involves knowing how the body works in each of its systems.
Let me tell you, the ATP cycle and how the body gets energy is a tough thing to understand. It isn’t something that I easily wrapped my head around but don’t worry I eventually got it. Luckily for you, you don’t need to understand it completely. That is why I’m here!
To share fitness tips that work for me
I have come a long way with my knowledge of fitness tips and hacks. I used to think to get a big booty, I would have to do donkey kicks and fire hydrants every day. It turns out that’s not true by any means. I know that everyone’s body is different and what works for some does not work for all.
This space is for me to share what works for me so that you can see if it works for you. And if it doesn’t, I am here to work with you to find out what does.
To stay accountable with my fitness and nutrition
I am not perfect in the least. I sometimes have trouble staying on track with my workouts and healthy eating. It is not easy staying consistent but it is necessary for a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Having this blog helps me to stay accountable with my weekly workouts and eat healthily.
To show that mindset is everything and everything you need is already within you
I am a sucker for all things personal development and bettering myself. Through this journey of up-leveling my mindset, I have come to realize that everything that I need to succeed is already within me. The same is for you.
I’ve learned that a strong mindset is going to get you to your goals and dreams 10x faster. In this blog, I want to teach about mindset and how it improves the journey of fitness.
To create a safe place for everyone to learn about fitness
Between in-person and online bullying it’s hard to find a safe space to learn and express yourself in today’s society. My main goal with this blog is to be a place where you can learn and interact without the fear of judgment.
I want only authenticity on this blog.
To be a person you can go to about your health and wellness or anything going on in your life
As I said above, I love to listen and learn about other people, whether it be about their fitness or something that is going on in their life. I am here to be a friend, an unlicensed therapist, a personal trainer, or just an author of some information you need.
Regardless of why you’re here, know that I am a person that you can go to for anything.
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