The 5 Most Important Things to Have in Your Morning Routine
Dec 13, 2023
A morning routine is crucial to starting the day off on a good note.
However, a strict I-can’t-ever-stray-from morning routine can become a little unhealthy.
Life happens.
I believe it is essential to achieve at least the main parts of your morning routine everyday.
My days are always changing.
I don’t have the typical 9-5 career job that most people have.
Currently, I am working as a personal trainer and a substitute teacher for students kindergarten through 8th grade.
My schedule is different every day of the week.
Trying to make a functional, effective morning routine is not the easiest when I have to leave my house at different times throughout the week.
That’s why I try my hardest to do the most important things on my morning routine list.
What time do I wake up?
Being rigid in the time I wake up and the order I do stuff, stresses me out.
Typically on a day where I don’t have anything in the morning, I wake up at 7:00am.
I feel that this is the perfect time for sleeping in and waking up early.
We may agree to disagree on this & that’s okay.
Usually, Monday, Wednesday and Friday I am subbing at the school and need to be at work at 8:25am.
Then, I will wake up at 6:15am
On Tuesday and Thursday, I wake up at 5:00am to go to the gym and walk.
I then have fitness trainings that start at 8am.
I just share this to give you a reference on how much time I give myself for my morning routine and getting ready for the day.
My Morning Routine List
I won’t go into the specifics on what time I do each thing on my morning routine list but if you are interested in that, email [email protected] and I will write a blog post about that.
The list I am sharing is what I consider most important and crucial for my morning routine.
My morning routine list:
→ Eat breakfast
→ Have a glass of water
→ Wash face
→ Meditate
→ Daily exercises
Morning Routine: Eat Breakfast
Breakfast, in my opinion, is the best and most important meal of the day.
& if it’s one thing you know about me, I LOVE CEREAL.
I am a cereal fanatic.
I eat it every morning, except on Sundays (On Sundays we eat eggs).
It may not be the most healthy, but a girl’s gotta live.
I roll out of bed and eat.
That’s just how I’ve always been.
I wake up starving so I eat right away.
It’s not for everyone but I think it’s important to get something in your belly in the morning.
On the days I get up at 5am, I eat a half of a bagel with butter (carbs are so freaking good for you before you workout).
& then I go to the gym with my sister and friend, where we do the 30 minutes, 12 incline, 3.0 mph walking trend.
When I get home from that, I immediately eat my cereal.
Ugh, I love it 🥰
Morning Routine: Have a glass of water
I have a glass of water after my cereal every morning.
(On my 5am days, I have a glass of water as soon as I wake up).
You will really feel a difference if you start having a glass of water every morning after you wake up.
It gets the organs up and running.
It gets the skin looking clear as hell.
It helps with the unpleasant morning breath.
Nothing but good things will come out of drinking water in the morning (& all day!).
Morning Routine: Wash Face
Nothing is better than a clean, washed face.
& in the morning, the face can definitely seem more greasy, oily, and dirty (even if you washed it the night before!).
Bacteria can form on the face while sleeping, so it’s important to wash your face in the morning to get a clean slate for the day.
Not to mention, it is also important to wash all the moisturizers and/or serums off the face before applying your daytime moisturizers and makeup.
& it just feels good!!
I try to wash my face with cold water in the morning to wake me up.
On cold mornings, it is definitely a little harder but it makes a big difference in how your skin feels.
I wash my face after I eat and drink water.
Morning Routine: Meditate
I used to think that meditation was such a waste of time.
Now I crave it.
I love listening to calming music and silencing my mind.
I meditate for 10 minutes.
Any more than that and I will get distracted and/or antsy.
Some people will do it for 30 minutes or an hour.
I respect that but no, I can’t.
I love meditating because it gives you time to listen.
Listen to your heartbeat.
Listen to some calming music.
Listen to your intuition.
Listen to the Universe.
We spend so much time praying, asking for things.
Why don’t we spend time listening to what the God/Universe/Angels (or whatever you believe in) have to say?
That’s why I meditate.
& it doesn’t have to be long.
10 minutes is perfect.
Heck, even 5 minutes is great.
Right now I am loving Kathrin Zenkina’s “Calling in the Abundance” guided meditation in her freebie library linked here.
Morning Routine: Daily Exercises
I like to spend 5 minutes doing exercises that I can do quickly and easily.
Right now, everyday I do full body pushups on the ground and tricep dips on my coffee table.
These are simple exercises that don’t require a lot of time or equipment.
Currently, I am doing my 30-Day Pushup Challenge to get to 30 full body pushups on the ground.
I am halfway through the challenge, completing 15 pushups in a row.
I am so proud of this!!
Even only halfway through the challenge, my chest feels tighter, my collarbones are more prominent, and my arms are looking more toned.
I also try to do tricep dips on my coffee table every morning.
This makes such a big difference in how toned my arms look.
They aren’t easy, but if you start with a few and add more every few days, you will see a big difference.
Just adding a couple simple, quick exercises to your morning makes a big difference in how you feel and look!
Morning Routine Conclusion
These are just 5 things that absolutely change the course of my morning and how I feel.
It’s simple.
It’s quick.
& you can easily integrate them into your morning.
Try adding these 5 things to your morning and see how good you feel!
Email [email protected] and let us know how you like these 5 important things to add to your morning routine!
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