10 High Protein Foods You Can Eat After a Workout Instead of Protein Powder

Dec 13, 2023

Protein powder isn’t for everyone. Personally, I don’t use it in any of my recipes. I would rather get my protein from the food that I eat. I don’t think there is anything wrong with protein powder, and if it is something you like, go for it. I just want to share some high-protein foods that you can eat after a workout that don’t include protein powder. 


1. Chicken Breast


The classic chicken breast.


It can get boring but will never let you down on its protein content. It can have anywhere from 30-55 grams of protein depending on the size. Luckily, there are a million recipes for chicken breasts so there is no excuse for not spicing it up!


Serving Size: 1 cup (chopped or diced)

Protein: 38 grams


2. Hard-boiled eggs


Love me some hard-boiled eggs!


Super easy to make.


All you have to do is:


→ cover 6-12 eggs with water in a pot,

→ bring the water to a boil,

→ turn off the heat,

→ cover them with a lid, and

→ let them sit.


They should sit in the water for about 10-12 minutes depending on your altitude and how you like them cooked. After, strain the water from the pot and run the eggs over cold water. Lastly, peel or store them for later!


*Quick Tip* Fresher the egg, harder to peel. Eggs that have been sitting in the fridge the longest are the easiest to peel later. 


Serving Size: 1 large egg

Protein: 6 grams


3. Greek yogurt


Greek yogurt is a great post workout snack/meal.


It helps build stronger bones, aids in muscle recovery and growth, and enhances immunity.


You can add in granola, cut up fruit, or nuts and seeds to spice it up. A little bit of crunch in yogurt is the best.


Serving Size: 1 container (170 grams)

Protein: 17 grams


4. Rolled oats


I love to have oatmeal as my 10 o’clock snack. I use Quaker Oats Old Fashioned Rolled Oats to make my oatmeal. I simply add water, microwave it, and sprinkle a dash of sugar and a handful of blueberries into it.


These days there are so many different ways to use rolled oats.


Baked oats are very popular and I am definitely going to try it out very soon.


Will keep you updated!


Serving Size: 1 cup

Protein: 9 grams 


5. Almonds


Almonds. Great source of protein as long as you eat enough of them.

If this is your post-workout snack, please eat at least a ¼ cup of them. 


Serving Size: ¼ cup 

Protein: 7 grams




6. Chickpeas


Chickpeas are nice because they’re gluten free and have a lot of protein.


For my Celiac and gluten-intolerance ladies, this one is for you. I know how hard it can be to stay on a gluten free diet, so chickpeas are a great substitution for a lot of gluten foods.


However, gluten free or not, chickpeas are jam packed with 39 grams of protein per cup. 


Try implementing chickpeas into more of your snacks and meals! 


Serving size: 1 cup

Protein: 39 grams


7. Cheddar Cheese


Cheese in general (so good!) is high in protein. Cheddah cheese, 33 grams of protein per cup. That is pretty dang good. 


Cheddar cheese is good with so many things. With crackers, on a burger, in an omelette. 


Cut up some cheddar cheese after your next workout for that muscle recovery that we love. 


Serving size: 1 cup (diced)

Protein: 33 grams 


8. Hummus


Most hummus recipes consist of chickpeas (which we now know is high in protein), tahini (sesame paste), garlic, and olive oil. 


The savory dip can be paired with carrots, crackers, chips, etc.. Such an easy post-workout snack.


Serving Size: 1 cup 

Protein: 19 grams


9. Pumpkin seeds


Pumpkin seeds arrive during my favorite time of year: fall. However, you can also buy them year round, so don’t worry about only being able to consume this protein 3 months out of the year.


12 grams of protein per cup. Um, yes. Slip some into your gym bag and eat some on your way home from the gym.


A great snack to have handy right after your workout.


Serving Size: 1 cup

Protein: 12 grams


10. Whole milk


Before getting into this little blurb, I have to say, the only milk I drink is whole milk. I know some people think it’s not good for you and that it raises your cholesterol and all that but I love it and that’s not gonna change! Thank you.


Alright, anyway, I am absolutely addicted to cereal. It is freakin SO good and it comes in so many different kinds. I love love love it. It is my breakfast every single morning except for Sundays.


Therefore, I consume a lot of whole milk. It has 8 grams of protein per cup. 


Come on, you can’t beat that. Enough said.


Serving Size: 1 cup 

Protein: 8 grams



Okay so…protein powder who?



I would love to hear what other high-protein foods you like to eat! Email us at [email protected] to let us know!


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