5 Tips on How to Balance Working Out & a Full Time Job
Dec 13, 2023
To balance working out and a full time job you need to be organized and disciplined.
We know finding time for working out can be tough when having a full time job.
You see fitness influencers’ workout splits and they have like hour long (if not more) workouts every day.
But that’s because it’s their job.
They typically don’t have a 9-5 (or 8-4) job where they can’t take 2 hours in the middle of the day to workout.
However, we can still find a balance for exercise and work.
How can I exercise when I work full time?
Routine, routine, routine
Find times that work for you during the week (or weekend) and show up to workout.
Do I need to exercise if I have a physical job?
Of course you do!!
Not as much as someone with a sedentary job, but you still need to exercise.
Physical jobs where you’re on your feet all day and lifting a lot can be hard on your joints.
Exercising while also having a physical job can:
→ Strengthen your heart
→ correctly build muscle
→ condition you to make your physical labor easier
→ Improve mental health
How do I fit my workout on a busy schedule?
Utilize every free minute you have.
Instead of scrolling on Instagram for 20 minutes, do your workout.
While watching your Netflix episode, do your workout.
Exercise in between chores around the house.
There is plenty of time to workout if you have a busy schedule.
It just has to be a priority.
Should I exercise before or after work?
It doesn’t matter!
If you prefer to workout before work in the morning you should exercise then.
If you prefer to workout after work in the evening you should exercise then.
Neither makes a difference on your health or muscle gains.
I would exercise when you have the most energy and motivation.
How can I motivate myself to workout after work?
→ Make your workouts fun.
→ Use a workout app to have your workouts already made. Here is a good one: Tammy Fit App
→ Make your workouts efficient and concise.
→ Find workouts on YouTube that you enjoy.
→ Follow fitness pages and check out fitness transformations regularly.
Tip #1 Wake up 10 minutes earlier
Wake up 10 minutes earlier to do a few simple exercises.
If your nights are swamped and you don’t have a minute to yourself during the day, you can always set your alarm a tad earlier.
Is it fun?
But it will make a difference even if you don’t think so.
I recommend doing exercises like squats, pushups, and planks.
These are compound movements, meaning they work more than one muscle group at a time.
Come on. You can’t beat that.
I do pushups everyday and I can definitely attest that it makes a huge difference in how I feel and how my arms, chest, back, and abs look.
If you can’t find time to balance work and exercise, you make time 😂
Tip #2 Take a walk on your break
Even if it’s 10 minutes, take a walk on your break.
It can literally be in the parking lot outside your work building.
Or if it’s cold or raining, walk around inside your work building.
No excuses 😉
Tip #3 Join a workout class that meets weekly at a time that works for you
I am obsessed with YMCA workout classes.
Especially the choreographed ones that work you out head to toe in an hour.
All you have to do is show up and follow along.
Go to the local gyms around you and ask about what workout classes they offer and see if any pique your interest.
Tip #4 Get an accountability friend/workout buddy that has a similar schedule as you
There’s nothing better than having a workout buddy to keep you accountable.
On my 5am walks at the gym I always go with my sister and my best friend.
Or else I wouldn’t get up.
But if one of us is feeling lazy, one of us is like:
We going to the gym to get our hot girl bodies.
Every workout matters!
Get yourself a workout accountability buddy.
Tip #5 Bring gym clothes to work & go for a workout right after
Get er done!!
Pretend it is a part of your work day.
If you leave work and go right to the gym (eating a snack on the way!), you get it done.
Instead of going home, sitting on the couch and trying to get back up and workout, you can workout right after work and then go home and relax the rest of the night.
It’s a win win.
Exercise then relax!!
To balance working out and a full time job can be tricky. However, with the right routine you can get it done!
Email [email protected] and let us know how these tips have helped you out.
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