Why I Am Obsessed With Acupuncture
Dec 13, 2023
I am obsessed with acupuncture.
I love it. I love it. I love it.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine where small, thin needles are put into the skin in strategic places to restore and support health and equilibrium throughout the body.
It is a holistic approach to treating the body instead of using drugs and surgery.
It also is great for facial rejuvenation and preventative anti-aging. It is a safe and healthy way to restore natural beauty.
What do I use acupuncture for?
I must be honest.
When I first started acupuncture, I did it solely for vanity reasons.
I knew someone who got facial rejuvenation acupuncture and she looked great.
She never used botox or fillers at all and she didn’t have any wrinkles on her face.
I wanted that.
Especially because it’s natural and holistic, unlike most botox and fillers.
**I have no judgment for people who use botox and/or fillers. I think you should do whatever you want to feel good about yourself.**
I just have heard unhealthy things about botox and fillers and I just get nervous with the thought of putting it in my face.
In the future, my feelings may change.
We shall see.
Right now at the age of 23 with barely any wrinkles, I wanted to begin doing preventative anti-aging things so that as I age, I age gracefully and healthily.
My acupuncturist says it’s NEVER TOO EARLY OR TOO LATE to start facial rejuvenation acupuncture.
So, I went through 12 sessions of facial rejuvenation acupuncture and nano needling in 6 weeks.
Every week, I had 2 sessions and I loved every minute of it.
In the beginning, it is a commitment because it’s important to do 2 sessions per week for 6 weeks straight for the best results.
After the 12 sessions, I now go every 6 weeks for maintenance.
What is nano needling?
Nano needling is a non-invasive needling pen that generates micro-channels in the first layer of skin (the epidermis).
What is nano needling good for?
→ promotes collagen and elastin production (we love!)
→ Enhances the skin’s ability to absorb products and serums
→ improves fine lines and wrinkles
→ Improves acne scarring, pigmentation, and rosacea
What else does acupuncture treat?
Besides the wonderful anti-aging services, acupuncture can help treat a ton of things:
→ Arthritis
→ Pain in neck, back, knees and muscles
→ Headaches/migraines
→ Menstrual symptoms
→ Anxiety & depression
→ Infertility
→ Immune system problems
→ Digestion
Acupuncture also helps the recovery from hangovers (always good!) and promotes hair growth, among many other things.
What else do I use acupuncture for?
After my 6 weeks of acupuncture, not only did my face feel plumper, brighter, and clearer, I also saw improvements in my anxiety and my menstrual symptoms.
I experience anxiety and am on medication for it (no shame!!).
I felt so good after my acupuncture appointments and noticed that even the week following my appointments, I felt so calm and at peace even when things would go wrong.
I even decided to lower my dosage on my anxiety medication.
I am currently on the journey to getting off my anxiety medication.
I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with being on medication for anxiety and/or depression (the stigma is the worst!).
After my experience with acupuncture, I just realized that there are other natural ways to help improve my anxiety that will benefit me in more than one way.
I also felt great improvements in my menstrual symptoms.
I get super easily irritated and can cry for hours the week before my period.
When I was consistently going to acupuncture, those symptoms were manageable or did not show during my menstrual cycle.
The best part of why I love acupuncture so much is because it shows the body how to properly handle emotions and anxiety.
We tend to hold all of our emotions and worry in our chests, but acupuncture teaches the body to let the emotions flow down through the body and out.
How quickly does acupuncture work?
It really depends on what kind of treatment you get.
For my facial rejuvenation acupuncture and nano needling, I felt the effects right after.
My face felt more plump and lifted.
For my anxiety and menstrual symptoms, it took a few sessions for me to notice the difference.
During the last few sessions of my 6 week stint, I started noticing my anxiety and menstrual symptom experiences were a lot more manageable, which is why I decided to continue body acupuncture once a week.
When I leave my acupuncture appointment, I always feel AMAZING!
Whether it is my facial rejuvenation or my body acupuncture, my endorphins are always through the roof!!
It really is the best feeling!
What are the disadvantages of acupuncture?
First off, if you have a needle phobia, this might not be the best option for you.
I must say though, the needles are so small and when they are inserted into the skin, there is a quick pinch and then you can’t feel them.
At my acupuncture place, I am laying down during my appointment so I also can’t see the needles, which I think really helps you forget that they’re in your skin.
Sometimes there can be soreness and a little bit of bruising around the area that the needles were inserted into.
The soreness is very tolerable, and the bruising is usually very small.
During a full moon, you are actually more likely to bruise, which I learned from my acupuncturist.
So, if you are getting a treatment done during a full moon, expect some bruising.
It goes away quickly, though!
After your first treatment, you may experience a headache.
Acupuncture is detoxing you, which could cause a headache.
Drink plenty of water after your treatment.
My overall thoughts on acupuncture:
Obviously, from the title of this post, I am OBSESSED with acupuncture!
I am so thankful that it is a part of my healthy lifestyle and it has completely changed my outlook on a holistic lifestyle approach.
Email [email protected] if you have any questions about acupuncture or to share your experience with it!
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